greater is He.

I make the conscious effort to keep quiet in debates, particularly those taking place online. Usually, I am really good at it. However, recently I'm struggling. I'm teetering on this line between standing up for my beliefs and avoiding "foolish controversies" (Titus 3:9).  I've simply had enough of keeping my mouth shut while others talk down to me like an ignorant fool for having opposing opinions on relevant issues. And yet, speaking up doesn't seem to make me feel any better. In fact, I'm left with a pit in my stomach, a feeling of regret for allowing myself to get swept up in these awful battles. It seems the further a debate goes, the lower people fall on their level of understanding and compassion. It becomes a struggle for who will have the last word. At times an all out war occurs in an attempt to gain victory for one's side of the argument. I understand that there are two, or more, sides in most every situation. But, there are very few individuals out there willing to have a healthy, educated debate with me. Most of the time I'm left feeing beaten down and still unheard.

And then, through the confusion and ill feelings I stumble upon this;

How much clearer could it be?! He told us we are "not of the world" (John 17:14). He commanded us, "do not love the world" (1 John 2:15-17). He warned us, "be not conformed to this world" (Romans 12:2). We are called to "guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge" (1 Timothy 6:20). My struggle to prove myself to the world has left me disheartened and God knows that will always be the outcome. He warns us again and again not to seek the favor of man for the world is fleeting, but He is eternal. 
I do not need to prove the validity of my beliefs to man, for in that battle all I stand to gain is the acceptance of the world. But, in the battle for Christ we stand to gain eternity, and that battle has already been fought and won, we have secured that victory. 
Putting my bible down I am left comforted and assured knowing, "greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4). 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said my dear. I learned long ago that the internet is not the most suitable place for debates or a means to express ones opinions. The better, more intelligent person chooses to remain silent as there really is no intelligent way to debate or argue with an ignorant person, especially in an online forum. In the end, they are the ones who end up looking foolish all by themselves.
